The following leagues are available at the Parksville Curling Club:
Please note that the leagues can be Fall or Winter or Annual in duration.
Some leagues are PCMCA (60+) registered while others are not. A PCMCA fee applies to these leagues.
Follow these links for a visual calendar of league dates:
Weekly Schedule
Annual and Bonspiel Schedule
Please note the date in the column of the annual schedule is the Monday of that week. Schedules are subject to change up to the beginning of the curling seasons. Any league may be canclled if not enough members register for that specific league
Ladies Monday Morning 9:30 am - Team of Choice Annual (PCMCA)
9:30 a.m. Monday mornings.
Teams are built based on the Team of Choice system, which means you can join as a full team or an individual.
Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) 60+ designated League. Our season spans from September to March, pausing for a break around Christmas. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
Email: Monday Ladies league captain for more information.
Ladies Tuesday Evening 7:00 pm - Team of Choice Annual League
7:00 p.m. Tuesdays evenings.
Teams are built based on the Team of Choice system, which means you can join as a full team or an individual.
This is a dynamic league for a fun experience on the ice. This group of women shares all curling abilities, from novice first-year curlers to experienced curlers. Our season spans from September to March, pausing for a break around Christmas.
Email: Tuesday Women league captain for more information.
Ladies Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 pm - Fall Out of the Hat - PCMCA
2:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoons.
This league offers a fun and inclusive environment for curlers of all skill levels, from veterans to novices. We strive to balance teams with players of similar experience, ensuring competitive play while prioritizing fun, learning, and social interaction.
This lady's Out of the Hat (OoH) is a Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
Out of the Hat builds its teams by random draw.
Email: Wednesday Ladies league captain for more information.
Ladies Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 pm - Winter Out of the Hat - PCMCA
2:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoons.
This league offers a fun and inclusive environment for curlers of all skill levels, from veterans to novices. We strive to balance teams with players of similar experience, ensuring competitive play while prioritizing fun, learning, and social interaction.
This lady's Out of the Hat (OoH) is a Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
Out of the Hat builds its teams by random draw.
Email: Wednesday Ladies league captain for more information.
Men's Monday Morning 12:00 pm (noon) - Fall Masters Out of the Hat - PCMCA
12:00 p.m. (noon) Mondays
This league is perfect for those who enjoy a blend of skillful play, friendly competition, and social interaction. Whether you're an experienced curler or still honing your skills, you'll find a welcoming community here. Join us on Mondays for a great time on the ice, and become part of our Masters group. This Out Of the Hat League offers a unique and dynamic curling experience where teams are randomly drawn at the beginning of each game.
This men's Out of the Hat (OoH) is a Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
Email: Monday Mens Masters league captain for more info.
Men's Monday Morning 12:00 pm (noon) - Winter Masters Out of the Hat - PCMCA
12:00 p.m. (noon) Mondays
This league is perfect for those who enjoy a blend of skillful play, friendly competition, and social interaction. Whether you're an experienced curler or still honing your skills, you'll find a welcoming community here. Join us on Mondays for a great time on the ice, and become part of our Masters group. This Out Of the Hat League offers a unique and dynamic curling experience where teams are randomly drawn at the beginning of each game.
This men's Out of the Hat (OoH) is a Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
Email: Monday Mens Masters league captain for more info.
Men's Monday Night 6:30 pm - Annual Team of Choice League
6:30 p.m. Monday Nights
Teams are built based on the Team of Choice system, which means you can join as a full team or an individual. When curlers enter individually with a preference for the position(s) they would like to play, teams are then put together.
This is a dynamic league for a fun experience on the ice. This group of men shares all curling abilities, from novice first-year curlers to experienced curlers. Our season spans from September to March, pausing for a break around Christmas.
Email: Monday Mens for more information.
Men's Wednesday Morning Masters - 10:00 am - Annual Team of Choice - PCMCA
10:00 a.m. Wednesdays Mornings
The Men's Master Curling League is a 60+ age group league affiliated with the Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA). Teams are formed using the Team of Choice system, allowing participants to join as a full team or as an individual looking to be matched. This league offers an excellent opportunity for experienced curlers to enjoy competitive play, and refine their skills.
A PCMCA fee will be applied.
Email: Wednesday Men's Masters league captain for more info
Mixed Tuesday Morning 9:00 am - Fall Out of the Hat
9:00 a.m. Tuesday Mornings
This mixed league teams consist of two men and two women, alternating genders in each position.
This Out Of the Hat League offers a unique and dynamic curling experience where teams are randomly drawn at the beginning of each game. This format encourages curlers of all skill levels to mix, meet new people, and develop their game in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.
Email: Tuesday Mixed for more information.
Mixed Tuesday Morning 9:00 am - Winter Out of the Hat
9:00 a.m. Tuesday Mornings
This mixed league teams consist of two men and two women, alternating genders in each position.
This Out Of the Hat League offers a unique and dynamic curling experience where teams are randomly drawn at the beginning of each game. This format encourages curlers of all skill levels to mix, meet new people, and develop their game in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.
Email: Tuesday Mixed for more information.
Mixed Super Cash - Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm Annual League
7:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights
The Super Cash League is one of Vancouver Island's premier curling leagues, hosted at the Parksville Curling Club. It welcomes competitive teams across all categories, from Juniors to Seniors and everything in between. Most teams are focused on preparing for their respective playdowns, whether in Men’s, Ladies, Juniors, Seniors, or Mixed divisions. Specifically showcasing many of the province's top senior teams, making it a hub for high-level competition and talent development.
The Super Cash league is an open league where Teams are built based on the Team of Choice system, which means you can join as a full team or an individual.
Email: Super Cash League captain for more information.
Mixed Chris Rose Thursday Night 5:15 pm - Annual Team of Choice League
5:15 P.M. Thursday Nights
This mixed league teams consist of two men and two women, alternating genders in each position.
The Team of Choice Mixed Curling League offers a welcoming environment for curlers of all experience levels to compete in mixed teams. Participants can join as a full team or sign up individually to be placed on a team, creating a blend of strategy and social play. This league provides a great opportunity to enjoy the sport with friends or meet new teammates while experiencing the fun and competitive spirit of mixed curling. Whether you're looking to sharpen your skills or enjoy a social game, this league brings together a diverse group of curlers for an engaging and dynamic season.
Email: Thursday Mixed league captain for more information.
Open Doubles League 2:15 pm - Fall Tuesday Afternoon League
2:15 p.m. Tuesday Afternoons.
Open Doubles format:
- no restrictions on player genders.
- Stick curlers are welcome.
- Mixed doubles rules apply.
- 8 end games.
Try curling's most exciting format! Don't want to get up and sweep your own rock? You don't have to! Your partner can sweep or you can have no sweeper. Individual registrations are welcome - we'll do our best to find you a partner.
In doubles curling each two-person team plays with six stones, one of which is positioned in play before the start of the end. Of the five stones each team delivers during an end, one player throws the first and last stone while the other player must throw the three in between. No stone, including those in the house, can be removed from play prior to the delivery of the fourth stone of an end.
Email: Tuesday Doubles league captain for more information.
Open Doubles League 2:15 pm - Winter Tuesday Afternoon League
2:15 p.m. Tuesday Afternoons.
Open Doubles format:
- no restrictions on player genders.
- Stick curlers are welcome.
- Mixed doubles rules apply.
- 8 end games.
Try curling's most exciting format! Don't want to get up and sweep your own rock? You don't have to! Your partner can sweep or you can have no sweeper. Individual registrations are welcome - we'll do our best to find you a partner.
In doubles curling each two-person team plays with six stones, one of which is positioned in play before the start of the end. Of the five stones each team delivers during an end, one player throws the first and last stone while the other player must throw the three in between. No stone, including those in the house, can be removed from play prior to the delivery of the fourth stone of an end.
Email: Tuesday Doubles league captain for more information.
3-6-6 Thursday 2:00 pm Open Fall League
2:00 pm Thursday
What is the 3-6-6 Curling format?
The 3-6-6 Recreational League comprises 3 curlers, 6 rocks and 6 ends. Each team has a designated Lead, Vice and Skip who maintain those positions throughout the game. Each player throws 2 rocks each end. The player not delivering the rock can sweep the entire length of the sheet.
The Free Guard Zone rule: the first 3 stones thrown cannot be removed from play no matter where they sit in the playing area, until the 4th rock is thrown.
Teams are built based on Team of Choice, open to everyone.
Email: [email protected] for more information.
3/6/6 Thursday 2:00 pm Winter League
Thursday 2:00 pm 3-6-6 League
What is the 3-6-6 Curling format?
The 3-6-6 Recreational League comprises 3 curlers, 6 rocks and 6 ends. Each team has a designated Lead, Vice and Skip who maintain those positions throughout the game. Each player throws 2 rocks each end. The player not delivering the rock can sweep the entire length of the sheet.
The Free Guard Zone rule: the first 3 stones thrown cannot be removed from play no matter where they sit in the playing area, until the 4th rock is thrown.
Teams are built based on Team of Choice, or Out of Hat open to everyone.
Email: [email protected] for more information.
Stick Curling Tuesday Morning 11:30 am - Fall Out of the Hat - PCMCA
11:30 a.m. Tuesday Mornings
Stick Curling consisting of two (2) players.
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players that release 6 rocks per end. With games lasting 6 ends in length. Sweeping is permitted only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Email: Tuesday Stick for more information.
Stick Curling Tuesday Morning 11:30 am - Winter Out of the Hat - PCMCA
11:30 a.m. Tuesday Mornings
Stick Curling consisting of two (2) players.
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players that release 6 rocks per end. With games lasting 6 ends in length. Sweeping is permitted only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Email: Tuesday Stick for more information.
Stick Curling Tuesday Afternoon 12:45 pm - Fall Team of Choice - PCMCA
New Start time of 12:45 p.m. Tuesday afternoons
Stick Curling consisting of two (2) players.
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players that release 6 rocks per end. With games lasting 6 ends in length. Sweeping is permitted only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Team of Choice teams are selected based on the priority of registration based on the last person to register for a team. For clarity if team memebrs are # 17 and # 28 they will come behind a team with members # 23 and # 25
Email: Tuesday Stick for more information.
Stick Curling Tuesday Afternoon 12:45 pm - Winter Team of Choice - PCMCA
New Start time of 12:45 p.m. Tuesday afternoons
Stick Curling consisting of two (2) players.
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players that release 6 rocks per end. With games lasting 6 ends in length. Sweeping is permitted only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Team of Choice teams are selected based on the priority of registration based on the last person to register for a team. For clarity if team memebrs are # 17 and # 28 they will come behind a team with members # 23 and # 25
Email: Tuesday Stick for more information.
Sturling Open Fall League Thursday 8:45 am - Play 2 Games
8:45 a.m. Thursday Mornings
If you know the team you will be playing with, please use the Team Entry to fill in the names of the team members. You will only be charged the fee for your registration. Each team member MUST register and pay separately.
What is Sturling Stick Curling format?
Sturling is the official name for the two (2) player team sport of curling, bringing together stick, slide and wheelchair curling formats.
Sturling league rules will follow the two (2) player stick rule format.
Six (6) ends – each player throws all rocks for (3) ends, with their teammate at the opposite end holding the broom. There is NO sweeping down the centreline between the hog lines.
Sturling Stick Curling League Player Options:
1 -One (1) slide and one (1) stick curler.
2 - Both curlers may be stick curlers.
3 - Both curlers may be slide curlers.
Email: Thursday Sturling League captain for more information.
Sturling Open Thursday 8:45 am - Play 2 games Winter League
8:45 a.m. Thursday Mornings
If you know the team you will be playing with, please use the Team Entry to fill in the names of the team members. You will only be charged the fee for your registration. Each team member MUST register and pay separately.
What is Sturling Stick Curling format?
Sturling is the official name for the two (2) player team sport of curling, bringing together stick, slide and wheelchair curling formats.
Sturling league rules will follow the two (2) player stick rule format.
Six (6) ends – each player throws all rocks for (3) ends, with their teammate at the opposite end holding the broom. There is NO sweeping down the centreline between the hog lines.
Sturling Stick Curling League Player Options:
1 -One (1) slide and one (1) stick curler.
2 - Both curlers may be stick curlers.
3 - Both curlers may be slide curlers.
Email: Thursday Sturling League captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 10:00 AM - Fall Out of the Hat League
10:00 a.m. Friday Mornings
Out Of the Hat League forms new Teams each week to allow fair play with everyone.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday - 10:00 AM - Winter Out of the Hat League
10:00 a.m. Friday Mornings
Out Of the Hat League forms new Teams each week to allow fair play with everyone.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 11:15 AM - Fall Team of Choice League - PCMCA
11:15 a.m. draws on Fridays
Out Of the Hat League forms new Teams each week to allow fair play with everyone.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
This is a Team of Choice league and individuals can enter and be paired with another player if there is one, however priority is given to complete teams that have registered.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 11:15 am Winter Team of Choice League PCMCA
11:15 a.m. draws on Fridays
Out Of the Hat League forms new Teams each week to allow fair play with everyone.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler please consider our Sturling Stick Curling Leagues, which allow for both slide and stick deliveries.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 1:00 PM - Fall Out of the Hat League - PCMCA
1:00 p.m. Friday Afternoons.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler and wish to play in a Stick Curling league the Sturling Stick Curling League allows both slide and stick curlers.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 1:00 PM - Winter Out of the Hat - League - PCMCA
1:00 p.m. Friday Afternoons.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler and wish to play in a Stick Curling league the Sturling Stick Curling League allows both slide and stick curlers.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 2:15 PM - Fall Team of Choice League - PCMCA
2:15 p.m. Friday Afternoons.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler and wish to play in a Stick Curling league the Sturling Stick Curling League allows both slide and stick curlers.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Stick Curling Friday 14:15 pm Winter Team of Choice League PCMCA
2:15 p.m. Friday Afternoons.
Stick Curling format of two (2) players
The stick is a term used to identify a device that enables a curler to deliver a rock from a standing position. The stick extends from a curler's hand and attaches to the rock handle. A good curling delivery with a stick requires proper set up, correct aim and weight control just as in the slide delivery.
Stick curling is designed for those who wish to enjoy the sport of curling without the same physical demands as the conventional game. Teams are comprised of 2 players, there are 6 rocks thrown per end, and games are 6 ends in length. Sweeping is allowed, but only once the thrown rock has crossed the far hog line.
Players may be either male or female.
Leagues exist for Team of Choice (ToC) or Out of Hat (OoH).
This Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) is a 60+ designated league. A PCMCA fee will be applied.
If you are slide delivery curler and wish to play in a Stick Curling league the Sturling Stick Curling League allows both slide and stick curlers.
Email: Friday Stick league captain for more information.
Learn-to-Curl Friday Evening 7:00 pm Fall Session
7:00 p.m. Friday Nights
The Learn to Curl League is designed for newcomers eager to get started with the sport of curling in a fun and supportive setting. This league focuses on teaching the fundamentals, including basic techniques, rules, and strategy, with guidance from experienced instructors. Each session combines practice drills with friendly games, allowing participants to gradually build confidence and skill on the ice. Perfect for those who are new to curling or want a refresher, this league offers a relaxed, social environment where learning and enjoyment go hand in hand.
Be prepared with:
- Clean rubber-soled shoes (carry into the Club).
- warm loose-fitting clothing; sweatpants, sweatshirt, joggers, etc.
- Own equipment is recommended but all needed equipment is available at the Club.
- Personal head protection (used at your own discretion).
- Gloves
Email: Friday Recreational Fun league captain for more info
Learn to Curl - Friday Evening 7:00 pm Winter Session
Our Learn To Curl program is the perfect place to start if you're brand new to curling, or if you have been away from the sport for a while. Our program consists of five two-hour sessions on Friday evenings, starting on February 7 at 7pm. The lessons cover the fundamental skills of curling: delivering a rock, sweeping, strategy, teamwork as well as understanding the different positions. Before you know it you'll be making shots and sweeping hard.
We provide all the equipment you need, however it is cold on the ice. So please bring gloves, a toque or hat, and wear comfortable, stretchy if possible layers. It is also quite dry on the ice so please bring a refillable water bottle. We have filtered water available.
Friday nights the bar will be open afterwards for socializing.
The Learn To Curl program is $75 and this includes all the equipment you will need as well as a mix of 10 hours of instruction and game play.
To register for the Winter Learn to Curl League first GO HERE to register with the club. After confirming your email (check your inbox!) you can go to the club’s MAIN PAGE and click the green banner that says "CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE YOUR LEAGUE REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT!" to enter your contact details and add the Learn To Curl program to your cart.
If you have any questions please contact the Curling Club Manager:
Stephen Ewashkiw
[email protected]
Recreational - Friday Evening 7:00 pm Fall League
7:00 p.m. - Friday Nights
Sign Up Individually or as a Couple. Teams and/or format will be determined based on registrants. No Drop-Ins are allowed; players must be Registered.
The Recreational League is perfect for curlers ready to take the next step from the Learn to Curl program and enjoy more relaxed gameplay without the focus on basic rules. This league offers a casual and supportive environment where players can integrate into club play, develop their skills further, and gain confidence on the ice. With an emphasis on fun, sportsmanship, and community, it provides an ideal platform for curlers looking to enjoy regular games, meet new people, and experience the club’s vibrant curling culture without the pressure of intense competition.
Be prepared with:
- Clean rubber-soled shoes (carry into the Club).
- warm loose-fitting clothing; sweatpants, sweatshirt, joggers, etc.
- Own equipment is recommended but all needed equipment is available at the Club.
- Personal head protection (used at your own discretion).
- Gloves
Email: Friday Recreational Fun league captain for more information.
Recreational - Friday Evening 7:00 pm Winter League
7:00 p.m. - Friday Nights
Sign Up Individually or as a Couple. Teams and/or format will be determined based on registrants. No Drop-Ins are allowed; players must be Registered.
The Recreational League is perfect for curlers ready to take the next step from the Learn to Curl program and enjoy more relaxed gameplay without the focus on basic rules. This league offers a casual and supportive environment where players can integrate into club play, develop their skills further, and gain confidence on the ice. With an emphasis on fun, sportsmanship, and community, it provides an ideal platform for curlers looking to enjoy regular games, meet new people, and experience the club’s vibrant curling culture without the pressure of intense competition.
Be prepared with:
- Clean rubber-soled shoes (carry into the Club).
- warm loose-fitting clothing; sweatpants, sweatshirt, joggers, etc.
- Own equipment is recommended but all needed equipment is available at the Club.
- Personal head protection (used at your own discretion).
- Gloves
Email: Friday Recreational Fun league captain for more information.
Juniors League Monday Afternoon 3:45 pm Annual
Junior Curling League
Eligibility: Anyone between the ages of 10 and 20 years of age, as of December 31st, may attend. Junior League members are encouraged to bring a friend to try curling together.
Cost: $100
(Curlers 13 years of age and OVER as of Dec 31, 2024 must also pay GST, Curl BC Fee of $18.00 and Curling Canada Fee of $2.00)
Place: Parksville Curling Club, in the Parksville Community Park
Office Phone: 250-248-3764 (Manager)
Registration: Online registration begins in August.
Curling Times: Mondays from 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm.
League Format: Warm up/Practice slides and Throws/Drills/Games
Instructors will help novice and experienced youth curlers, explaining the game, various drills to improve deliveries and instruction during ends of play.
Footwear and Clothing: CLEAN, flat rubber- soled running shoes, CARRIED TO THE RINK and comfortable/warm clothing (sweat, stretchy or track pants are best).
You will not be permitted on the ice with shoes that have been worn to the rink.
Equipment: It is not necessary to purchase any equipment for the beginner curler as we have step-on sliders, brooms, stabilizers and some grippers available. Limited selection of curling shoes, on a first come first served basis are also available. Slip on grippers, sliders, curling shoes and brooms can be purchased from the Nanaimo Curling Club and a small selection at Qualicum Beach Curling Club. Should you decide to purchase your own gripper and slider, be sure to take with you the footwear you plan to use as important to guarantee a tight fit.
NOTE: All curlers 12 years of age or younger – RECOMMENDED to wear a helmet all times on ice.
Visit our Parksville Curling Club Website: Or email [email protected]
PGOSA League Thursday Morning 11:30 am Annual
11:30 a.m. Thursdays
Email PGOSA league captain for more info
Special Olympics League Thursday Afternoon 4:00 pm
4:00 p.m. Thursday Evenings
The Special Olympics League at the Parksville Curling Club provides a welcoming and supportive environment for athletes with disabilities to learn and enjoy the sport of curling. This league focuses on skill development, teamwork, while building a sense of community, allowing participants to grow confidence both on and off the ice. With guidance from experienced coaches and volunteers, athletes have the opportunity to engage in friendly competition, stay active, and connect with others who share their interest in curling.
Email: Special Olympics league captain for more information.
Spares List Annual
The Spares List is for those who want to curl occasionally without committing to a full league season. By registering as a spare, you pay all Parksville Curling Club "other" fees and $10 for each league game you play. This option allows you to spare in any league of your choice, as often as you like, provided you meet the specific gender, age, and other conditions of the leagues. It’s a flexible way to stay active, enjoy the sport, and meet fellow curlers without the commitment of joining a full-time team.
Email: leagues@parksvillecurling for more information.