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About Parksville Curling Club

Forming a club and building a curling rink in Parksville was a dream of local curlers George Gudbranson, Tom Boag and Ross Stephens in the spring of 1991. First they built a membership base and the Parksville Curling Club was incorporated under the Provincial Societies Act on December 20th, 1991.

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The following years were spent recruiting more members, raising money and negotiating with the City of Parksville and the Provincial Government to secure a site and the funds to build the Club. Several years were spent by a number of dedicated people who continued to raise funds.

During that time, 64 curling rocks were purchased from the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel when they closed their curling club. The members raised money through raffles, casinos, debentures, golf tournaments, delivering catalogues, etc. There were numerous circumstances that prevented the realization of the dream until the Regional District of Nanaimo built a new district arena and offered to lease the old arena to the Parksville Curling Club.

In 2003, under the leadership of Tom Boag, the Parksville Curling Club and the Regional District of Nanaimo signed a lease agreement and the Club hired Gordon Twanow as our Ice Technician. When the Oak Bay Curling Club closed, we were able to purchase additional ice making equipment.  We still required 16 rocks for our 5th sheet of ice and were lucky to have the Long Beach Curling Club loan them to us due to the closure of their rink.

Parksville Curling Club is the only curling club in the Province with dedicated arena ice. We are continually upgrading the facility.

The Club now boasts over 1200 curlers on the ice weekly in a full Club of leagues.  Stick Curling continues to grow, as well as the doubles game.

Except for our ice technician, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and part time manager, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., all business of the Club is conducted by an exceptional number of dedicated volunteers.

We now have 17 weekly leagues and also host Special Olympics, school and junior curling programs.   We host an Annual Mixed Summer Bonspiel to coincide with the Sand Castle Sculpturing at the Parksville Beach in the 3rd week of August as well as 9 other bonspiels during the year. 

img 0670Parksville Curling Club has hosted a number of zone, regional and provincial championships:

In March 2007, we hosted the B.C. Masters Men's and Ladies Championships.

In September 12-15, 2007, our club hosted the BC Senior Games on behalf of Nanaimo who were hosts for the provincial games.  38 teams from as far north as Hazelton to Vancouver Island.

In 2008, March 16-19, the club hosted the 41st annual Nifty Fifty Bonspiel.  40 teams from Williams Lake south, lower mainland and the island participated.  Fund raising by our ladies group to host the event did well.  We were able to purchase the large bonspiel boards, a stove and $1,000. towards repairs to the men’s washroom.

In January 2009, the BC Scotties Provincial Women's Curling Championships.

In February 2012 and again in February 2013, the Canadian Direct BC Men's Championships.

In March 2014, the BC High School Championships.

In December, 2015 we hosted the Tim Hortons BC Junior Championships.

In March 2017 we hosted the AMJ Campbell Van Lines BC  Mixed Championships.

In January/February 2018 we hosted the Belairdirect BC Men's Provincial Championship.

In February 21 - 24, 2019 we hosted the BC Firefighters Championship.

In February 2023 we hosted the B.C. Masters Men's and Ladies Championships.


Upcoming Events

  • Apr
    Volunteer Appreciation BBQ
    05:00 PM
  • Apr
    Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    06:30 PM


220 Corfield St N,
Parksville, BC, Canada V9P 2S5


The Parksville Curling Club is located on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Nations, home to the Snaw-Naw-As First Nation and the Qualicum First Nation.

Contact Us

PO Box 1624 
Parksville, BC, Canada
V9P 2H5 

Phone: 250-248-3764

Manager: Stephen Ewashkiw
[email protected] 

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