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Membership Information, Fees, Spare Information, FAQ's

Parksville Curling Club welcomes curlers of all ages and abilities.  We offer a variety of daytime and evening leagues:  Ladies, men's, juniors, mixed, stick, doubles and our newest Sturling league, Family & Friends League and the 3-6-6 League!  You can see the full list of leagues and times by visiting our LEAGUES page.

Registration for our leagues takes place this year starting July 15th 2024  (for returning members) and August 5th 2024 (for new members) via our online registration system. 

Curling starts Monday September 23, 2024

Teams and schedules to be completed September 18, 2024

Members will receive an email letting them know when registration is open and how to proceed.   If you are new, and are interested in becoming a member, click on the Create an Account box below the Member Login on our home page after August 5th.  The system administrator will follow up with you.  If you do not have access to a computer, please contact our club manager, (250-248-3764), to make arrangements to process your registration in person or over the phone. 

For more details about the registration process and other questions, please visit the REGISTRATION FAQ's page here.

Leagues run on a weekly basis from September to March with some leagues offering a Fall and or Winter session rather than a full annual league.  A regular game is 2 hours 15 minutes. The Stick game is 1 hour the Doubles game is 1 ¼ hours. The new 3-6-6 league is 1 1/2 hours.

Most leagues are classified as either Team of Choice or Out of the Hat:

TEAM OF CHOICE LEAGUES:                

Team of Choice (ToC) leagues allow you to register yourself as part of a pre-defined team of your choice.  If you have a new team joining a regular 4 person or 3 person  league  – contact the League Captain of the appropriate league to confirm that there is a spot for your team in that league.  If your team was previously in the league, contact the League Captain of your continuation.

If you are an individual – contact the League Captain in the event a team is short a player or to register as a spare.

Once a team spot is confirmed, individual registration is via the online registration system.


Register as an individual and we will place you on a team!  You can specifiy your preference of position.                      

PCC Leagues Guidelines:

The PCC recognizes that having clear guidelines is an important element in ensuring enjoyable League play. In the past, the Board has left the determination of League operating guidelines and rules of play up to the League Captains, in consultation with their Teams. However, with the proliferation of League formats—4-person, Stick, Sturling, Doubles—we are in a position where many members are having to determine and adhere to variations in League play both across formats and within the same format. Therefore, it appears timely and appropriate to enforce a degree of standardization with respect to certain League guidelines.

Two of the more challenging and somewhat controversial “rules of play” are (i) set times for games; and (ii) use of spares. To address these two issues the following policies will become effective beginning with the 2024-25 curling season.

Time of Play

The standard time of play for regular 4-Person games has traditionally been 2 hours. Introduction of the 5-Rock Rule has, on average, resulted in more draws and guards played per end. To adjust for this, in the 2022-23 season the Board extended the 4-Person game time to 2 hours and 15 minutes. Game times for all other League formats were also extended by 15 minutes.

For the 2024-25, the time for a 4-Person game will remain at 2 hours and 15 minutes; however, no new end will begin after the 2-hour mark regardless of the score. Once the 2-hour mark has been reached, teams will complete the end they are in but may not start an additional end. This rule will be in force whether or not there is another League/Draw following. The League Captain will determine with the cooperation of the Teams whether this rule will be enforced by ringing the cowbell or simply looking to the clock in the arena.

It is expected that this policy will ensure that games end according to the clubs’ schedules and the schedules posted for leagues.

For all non-4-Person leagues, the last end to be played will be the end that is in progress when 15 minutes remain in the allocated scheduled game time. This is as follows:

Stick and Sturling Games:             At the 60-minute mark

3-6-6 Games:           At the 1 hour and 15-minute mark

Doubles:                   At the 1 hour and 30 minute mark

Use of Spares

The PCC recognizes that having spare players available to fill in for members that are absent due to appointments, illness and vacation is a necessity. The challenge is to ensure that spares are used in a consistent and fair manner.

It is your responsibility to find a spare for yourself if you are unable to make a game you are scheduled to play in. You should also inform your skip or teamamte of your absence and your replacement.

In all cases, Spares must be drawn from eligible Members of the Parksville Curling Club, meaning that they are current with their CurlBC, Curl Canada and Capital fees.

In Leagues where the “rules of play” are gender based, spares must adhere to the gender guidelines. The Default rules below will also apply.

In All Leagues the following policy will apply:

  • Any spare that replaces a regular team member in either 3 or 4 person Leagues cannot play as Skip.
  • All 3 and 4 person Leagues must have a minimum of 2 regular members on the team (unless a 3 member team has a "couple" absent at the same time. If so, this will count as 1 person absent from the team) otherwise the team is in a Default position.
  • For Doubles, Sturling and Stick leagues, each team must have one regular team member otherwise the team is in a Default position.

Finally, if a 4-Player League team is registered as a 5-Person Team, all 5 players will be eligible to play any of the 4 positions."

Contact & Call Procedure.

First Call: If the league has an odd number of teams and there is a "bye"  team, the Bye team players that week shall be contacted first to see if they are available to play.  They’ve paid the League Fees, they get first choice if they want to play or not.

Second Call: Contact the people on the leagues spare list for your league. (Club website, “Members Home”, League Information”, “Find a Spare”. Here you can see each spares availability and preferred playing position. You can decide to call them or email them individually or email all members at the same time making your request and stating that the first person to get back to you will get the position.

Third Call: If the members on the spares list are not available to curl, then you may ask people from other leagues spares lists or members you know who would curl for you.  



Want to spare a number of games and not register in any leagues? Curlers  that select this option  pay all PCC "other" fees and $15 for any League game spared (or 2 games for $15 for stick or sturling).  This allows you to spare in any league, as many leagues as you wish as often as you wish as long as you meet the gender, age and all other conditions of those leagues.


FEES (2024-2025)

League Fees (per league not including gst):               at least                              Fee

Regular Annual 3 and 4 person leagues:                          24 games                          $320.00

Regular Fall Season 3 and 4 person leagues:                  12 games                          $160.00

Regular Winter Season 3 and 4 person leagues:              12 games                          $160.00

Tuesday Fall Stick League                                                 12 games                          $100.00

Tuesday Winter Stick League                                            12 games                          $100.00

Friday  10:00 am Fall OoH Stick League                           10 games                          $80.00

Friday  10:00 am Winter OoH Stick League                      11 games                          $90.00

Friday 11:15 Fall ToC Stick League                                   10 games                          $80.00

Friday 11:15 Winter ToC Stick League                               11 games                          $90.00

Friday Stick 1:00 pm Fall OoH League                               9 games                         $70.00

Friday Stick 1:00 pm Winter OoH League                           10  games                         $80.00

Friday Stick 2:15 pm Fall ToC League                                9. games                         $70.00

Friday Stick 2:15 pm Winter ToC League                            10 games                         $80.00

Thursday Sturling  Fall Cash League   (2 games)               26 games                          $ 220.00

Thursday Sturling  Winter Cash League  (2 games)           22 games                           $180.00

Tuesday Doubles Fall League                                               12 games                           $125.00

Tuesday Doubles Winter League                                           12 games                           $125.00

Thursday 3-6-6 League                                                          12 games                            $125.00

Thursday 3-6-6 League                                                          11 games                            $125.00

Saturday 3-6-6 Fall League                                                     8 games                             $75.00

Saturday 3-6-6 Winter League                                                8 games                             $75.00

Saturday Fall Family & Friends Special Team Curl               8 games                         

Saturday Winter Family & Friends Special Team Curl          8 games                         

                            4 player teams that consist of 1 or 2 regular PCC members and

                            2 or 3 youth players under 18 years of age and greater than 9 years of age

                                                                                                                      $85 / regular member

                                                                                                                       $0 league fee per youth but each youth player is required to pay the $20 CurlBC fee

                                                                                                                        and  $30  PCC Capital fee

                                                                                                                       (no charge for youth using PCC rental equipement per game)

Juniors League                                                                         20 - 22 dates                   $100.00

Friday Night Fall Recreational League                                      7 Nights                           $75.00

Friday Night Winter Recreational League                                  7 Nights                           $75.00

Special Olympians Fall & Winter Leagues                                                          No Charge

Spare Any League Any Time Option All regular club “other” fees plus $10 / game played


There is a discount for playing in multiple leagues. Once total league fees exceed $600, a 50% discount will be applied to league fees starting at $600.  A Maximum total fee of $800 applies to the league fee portion only regardless of how many leagues you register into.

PCC  “Other Fees:

One Time Life Membership Fee                                                                    $25.00

Annual Capital Fee (Building and Major Expenditures fund)                         $30.00

Locker Rental for the year                                                                             $35.00 (includes gst)

Annual Association Fees:

                        Curl BC                                                                                   $2.00              

                        CCA (Curling Canada)                                                           $18.00

                        Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA)             $8.00 (regradless of how many PCMCA leagues you are in)

*PCMCA fees are charged to curlers 60 years of age and older, that curl in any PCMCA designated league.


When your fees are calculated you can pay online by credit card (during the registration process) or pay at the club by cheque.

  • All Annual and Fall Leagues fees are to be paid 1 week prior to the beginning of that specific curling season. This year the Season starts September 23rd therefore payment is required on or before September 16th.


Level 1

Spare List Members       $15 / game or 2 stick games for $15

 Level 2

Members in 1 annual league or 2 seasonal leagues (Fall / Winter)  $10 / game for regular games (Regular, Doubles or 6 Pack)

                                                                                                              2 games for $15 for back to back stick or sturling games

 Level 3

Members in the equivalent of 2 annual leagues or 4 seasonal leagues (Fall / Winter) or more. No charge


***** Spares may not be used in the Skip position for any 3 or 4 member leagues.           


If you have additional questions, please contact our Leagues director at leaguesThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    International Tankard 2025 - Social
    07:00 PM
  • Mar
    Tankard Opening Ceremony
    09:00 AM
  • Mar
    International Tankard 2025 - Draw 1
    10:00 AM
  • Mar
    International Tankard 2025 - Draw 2
    02:30 PM
  • Mar
    Tankard Banquet
    06:00 PM
  • Mar
    International Tankard 2025 - Draw 3
    09:30 AM
  • Apr
    Volunteer Appreciation BBQ
    05:00 PM
  • Apr
    Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    06:30 PM


220 Corfield St N,
Parksville, BC, Canada V9P 2S5


The Parksville Curling Club is located on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Nations, home to the Snaw-Naw-As First Nation and the Qualicum First Nation.

Contact Us

PO Box 1624 
Parksville, BC, Canada
V9P 2H5 

Phone: 250-248-3764

Manager: Stephen Ewashkiw
[email protected] 

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