Registration for the 2024 - 2025 curling season begins on July 15th, 2024!
Once again, we are pleased to offer online registration and payment options. You will need your username and password to complete the online registration. New members must request a username/password in order to use the online registration system. Select the big red button on the home page to begin the open an account process once registration is opened for the year.
If you can't remember your username or password, click on Forgot your username? or Forgot your password? link below the Member Login area. Your username information and/or a temporary password will be emailed to the email address we have on record for you. (If you were a member prior to 2019, your username is likely FirstName_LastName (the dash is an underscore))
If you do not have access to a computer, please contact the club manager at 250-248-3764 to make arrangements to register in person or via telephone.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ's) that may be of help if you're having trouble with the registration process:
I forgot my password and received a new temporary password via email. How do I change my password to something I can remember?
- Go to Member Login on the front page of the website ( Fill in your username and the password you received in your email (Hint: copy the password from the email and paste it into the password box).
- Once logged in look to the top menu bar for Member's Home and hover on it to see the menu options . Under Member Information you will see the option My Information. In the My Information section there is an Edit button to the top left, mouse over the Edit button and select Update Your Profile. Select the User Info tab. There will be two fields entitled Current Password and Password. Type or paste your temporary password into the Current Password field. Enter your new password into the Password field and click Update.
I have never done online registration before. How does it work?
The first step is to login to the system using the Member Login area.
When registration is open to Members, you will see a big yellow bar at the top of the page that says “Click here to complete your league registration and payment”
Step 1 complete and / or update all the information (yes, all 5 pages completely to the bottom of each page please)
Step 2 select your membership type (pay extra attention to the instructions if you play in both the PGOSA and regular PCC Leagues)
Step 3 select the league(s) you wish to join. Select the first one then complete the entry and save the entry. Select the second one then complete the entry and save the entry. Continue doing this until you have selected all the leagues you wish to join. (You can join both the Fall and Winter seasons of a league at any time as long as space is availbale). Please note the name of the league, the time, the gender, the type and the season is in the league name.
Step 4 Determine if you would like a Locker. (Returning locker holders get first choice to get their lockers back. The club manager will assign other lockers as available)
Step 5 Pay Life Membership Fee. This is a onetime fee that all regular members must pay. It allows you to be a member at the curling club at any time in the future, even after taking a few years off. All regular yearly fees will always apply whenever you register again to curl. If you already paid this fee in the past the system does not ask you for this fee again. First session Learn to Curl Friday night curlers pay this fee along with the capital fee (a total of $55.00) and the CurlBC fee ($20) but the LTC league fee is $0.00
Step 6 As we are a volunteer based club please complete the Volunteer Registration form. When we need volunteers in your category please answer the call.
Step 7 Agree to the Club Waiver, policies and participant agreement by typing your name into the “Enter Your Name” box (bottom left hand side)
Step 8 Review your selections and the fees and Confirm Your Entry
At this point an invoice will be presented to be confirmed then emailed to you like the one you will see on your screen.
Now you select payment by MasterCard or Visa and follow the instructions. The credit card system is not part of our club registration. We do not keep or maintain any credit card information. We do not offer refunds or reversals by credit card.
If paying by Cheque at the club you may do so to Club Manager
Congratulations! That’s it you’re done!
Can I register now for the Winter Leagues?
Yes, you should register now for both the Fall and Winter Leagues that you would like to play in otherwise they may fill up later.
What happens if I register late?
Members that register late into leagues (after registration normally is complete) will have only their league fees reduced pro-rata based on the total number of games missed. Members that withdraw from leagues after the curling season has started are subject to the refund policy.
Why am I still getting “how to register” emails after I have already registered?
- The curling club system that we use tracks all members from previous years as well as new members this year. Separately it also tracks members that have registered for this year. It does not track the difference, that being all members that have not yet registered. Therefore until registration is mostly completed emails will continue to go to the all members list from the previous year. After registration is completed future emails will go to this year’s registered membership list.
Why do I get a new invoice for the total fees even after I made a payment?
- The registration system generates an invoice for all fees the first time you register. It sends that invoice to you when you confirm your fees and leagues and before any payments you make. If you decide to go back into the system to change or register for more leagues, the system generates a new invoice combining everything you are registering for (or have already registered for). That invoice is then emailed to you. The payment system knows your total fees and credits you with any payments you made previously. The net is what you would owe. The email invoice system does not get real time updates from the payment system before the invoice system generates the new invoice.
Do I need to Pay when I register?
- You do not need to pay when you register BUT you are required to pay your fees before you play your first game in the league.
What are Team of Choice and Out of Hat Leagues
- Out of hat leagues are just that. Teams are created by drawing names out of a hat. Different leagues have different formats. Some mixed leagues may be gender balanced . For new to the club curlers we accomodate partners, spouses or friends of 2 people to be on the same team. This must be requested to the league Captain before the teams are created. The registration system keeps track of the order of registrations by date and time stamps and spaces are filled on a first come first serve basis until filled.
- Team of Choice leagues are leagues whereby 2 (stick and doubles leagues) or 4 (regular leagues) members decide to enter a team. In order for the team to be considered all members (up to 3 in the 4 person leagues) must be registered. Individual entries into a team of choice league (only one person registered) will get last consideration regardless of numerical entry number. Teams will be established based on the sequential order of the team members registering and completing all registrations for the team.
PCC Leagues Guidelines:
The PCC recognizes that having clear guidelines is an important element in ensuring enjoyable League play. In the past, the Board has left the determination of League operating guidelines and rules of play up to the League Captains, in consultation with their Teams. However, with the proliferation of League formats—4-person, Stick, Sturling, Doubles—we are in a position where many members are having to determine and adhere to variations in League play both across formats and within the same format. Therefore, it appears timely and appropriate to enforce a degree of standardization with respect to certain League guidelines.
Two of the more challenging and somewhat controversial “rules of play” are (i) set times for games; and (ii) use of spares. To address these two issues the following policies will become effective beginning with the 2024-25 curling season.
Time of Play
The standard time of play for regular 4-Person games has traditionally been 2 hours. Introduction of the 5-Rock Rule has, on average, resulted in more draws and guards played per end. To adjust for this, in the 2022-23 season the Board extended the 4-Person game time to 2 hours and 15 minutes. Game times for all other League formats were also extended by 15 minutes.
For the 2024-25, the time for a 4-Person game will remain at 2 hours and 15 minutes; however, no new end will begin after the 2-hour mark regardless of the score. Once the 2-hour mark has been reached, teams will complete the end they are in but may not start an additional end. This rule will be in force whether or not there is another League/Draw following. The League Captain will determine with the cooperation of the Teams whether this rule will be enforced by ringing the cowbell or simply looking to the clock in the arena.
It is expected that this policy will ensure that games end according to the clubs’ schedules and the schedules posted for leagues.
For all non-4-Person leagues, the last end to be played will be the end that is in progress when 15 minutes remain in the allocated scheduled game time. This is as follows:
Stick and Sturling Games: At the 60-minute
3-6-6 Games: At the 1 hour and 30 minute mark
Doubles Game: At the 1 hour 15 minute mark
Use of Spares
The PCC recognizes that having spare players available to fill in for members that are absent due to appointments, illness and vacation is a necessity. The challenge is to ensure that spares are used in a consistent and fair manner.
It is your responsibility to find a spare for yourself if you are unable to make a game you are scheduled to play in. You should also inform your skip or teamamte of your absence and your replacement.
In all cases, Spares must be drawn from eligible Members of the Parksville Curling Club, meaning that they are current with their CurlBC, Curl Canada and Capital fees.
In Leagues where the “rules of play” are gender based, spares must adhere to the gender guidelines. The Default rules below will also apply.
In All Leagues the following policy will apply:
- Any spare that replaces a regular team member in either 3 or 4 person Leagues cannot play as Skip.
- All 3 and 4 person Leagues must have a minimum of 2 regular members on the team (unless a 3 member team has a "couple" absent at the same time. If so, this will count as 1 person absent from the team) otherwise the team is in a Default position.
- For Doubles, Sturling and Stick leagues, each team must have one regular team member otherwise the team is in a Default position.
Finally, if a 4-Player League team is registered as a 5-Person Team, all 5 players will be eligible to play any of the 4 positions."
Contact & Call Procedure.
First Call: If the league has an odd number of teams and there is a "bye" team, the Bye team players that week shall be contacted first to see if they are available to play. They’ve paid the League Fees, they get first choice if they want to play or not.
Second Call: Contact the people on the leagues spare list for your league. (Club website, “Members Home”, League Information”, “Find a Spare”. Here you can see each spares availability and preferred playing position. You can decide to call them or email them individually or email all members at the same time making your request and stating that the first person to get back to you will get the position.
Third Call: If the members on the spares list are not available to curl, then you may ask people from other leagues spares lists or members you know who would curl for you.
Want to spare a number of games and not register in any leagues? Curlers that select this option pay all PCC "other" fees and $15 for any League game spared (or 2 games for $15 for stick or sturling). This allows you to spare in any league, as many leagues as you wish as often as you wish as long as you meet the gender, age and all other conditions of those leagues.